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Jesus De Gaviria (Tenor) (San Sabastian 1896 - San Sabastian 1975)
His real name was Jesus Aguirregaviria Onaindia. He studied in Madrid with the tenor Luis Iribarne. He made his debut in 1919 at the Lirico in Milan in ‘’Pagliacci’’. He was married with to the Spanish soprano Fidelia Campigna Ontiveros (Note: Campiïa (father family name) and Ontiveros (mother family name). In the first years of her career she was billed as Fidela Campina De Alcazar, Alcaraz being the family name of her first husband. In the same way, she was later sometimes billed as Fidela Campina De Gaviria). De Gaviria sang in Santiago and Valparaëso, both in 1929 and 1930, the Spanish opera ‘’La Dolores’’ by Tomas Breton, with his wife Fidela Campina. He divorced her in 1941 and continued singing (mainly in USA) until 1948.